200 7th Ave SW
Altoona, IA 50009

Want to learn more about our
employee assistance program?
Visit the Giving Tree link below.

Compliance Plan Information
We are committed to always doing the right thing. That is why we have an ethics and compliance program and why we have adopted the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. The Code is specifically designed to be part of an effective program to prevent and detect violations of law and conduct. Employees are encouraged to discuss any questions related to this Code with their supervisor or the Corporate Compliance Officer.
Employees who believe they are aware of a violation of the Code are expected and encouraged to report their concerns. Employees have many ways in which they can report a concern or incident related to this Code. They are encouraged to discuss it with their administrator and/or the Corporate Compliance Officer. Employees may also contact Lighthouse Services, using the below information. Such reports are confidential and anonymous.
Regular business matters that do not require anonymity should be directed to the employee’s supervisor and should not be submitted using this service.
Compliance and Ethics Liaison: Anna Austin, Administrator
Compliance and Ethics Liaison Email: aaustin@altoonanursingandrehab.com
Compliance and Ethics Liaison Phone: 515-967-4267
Corporate Compliance Officer: Joe McDonough
Corporate Compliance Officer Email: compliance@campbellstreetsl.com
Website: https://report.syntrio.com/campbellstreetseniorliving
Anonymous Reporting App: Keyword: campbellstreetseniorliving
Detailed instructions here
Toll-Free Telephone:
English speaking USA and Canada: 833-961-3634
Spanish speaking USA and Canada: 800-216-1288
Spanish speaking Mexico: 01-800-681-5340
French speaking Canada: 855-725-0002
Contact us if you need a toll-free # for North American callers speaking languages other than English, Spanish or French
E-mail: reports@lighthouse-services.com (must include company name with report)
Fax: (215) 689-3885 (must include company name with report)